

Tips on using Twitter #Hashtag with your Campaigns

If you want to reach a wider audience or engage in new accounts on Twitter, best bet is to follow a specific #hashtag. 

OK, now many of you would be thinking what on earth am I talking about? 

If you are a Twitter newbie or have been engaging on this micro-blogging site for sometime - whatever your interests are, you can search on twitter with any specific word along with a # and you get similar interest tweets and accounts. 

Also tweets that you send on a daily basis generally are about certain topics ranging from news, information about yourself, about someone else, replying to people or just stuff that is trending so at least try to use one #hashtag on every tweet that you send. You will be surprised as your tweet will reach a larger audience and maybe make people start following you. 

The use of a #hashtag saves people time to find specific topics on twitter and keeps all tweets organised.

Wikipedia defines #hasthag as:
hashtag is a word or a phrase prefixed with the symbol # It is a form of metadata tag. Short messages on microblogging and social networking services such as Twitter, Tout, identi.ca, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Google+ or Facebook may be tagged by putting "#" before important words, Hashtags provide a means of grouping such messages, since one can search for the hashtag and get the set of messages that contain it.

Use the #hashtag on your Campaigns 

This is where the actual strength of #hashtag comes in being. If you have a campaign; be it in social media, general information, education & awareness of a certain cause or just promotions of a destination / product, the #hashtag gives a marketable spread & with the audience engaging with new people and promoting your campaign. 

The mistake many people make is when they take a #name that is already in existence in the #hashtag world and try to promote their specific campaign.  This is where it gets confusing for people already using that #hashtag and in-return gives a wrong image and certainly causes a disaster with incorrect branding. Also monitoring of your #hashtag reach/influence of that specific word (if it is already in use elsewhere) may not be relevant or accurate as numbers of impressions may not be correct and significant. Always check the word you want to use as your #hashtag first to check it has not been used on twitter and make it your campaign #hashtag as this can later can be used to monitor it's reach and help the campaign become successful and trend on twitter. 

So what Tips do you need to keep while using twitter #hashtag on your campaign 

1. To be Creative with your name  - The word on your campaign needs to be catchy and remain in people's mind while tweeting. The shorter the name the better for tweets as it gives space to the tight characters you get on twitter - its just 148 characters. Keep in mind that your campaign work should not be existing on twitter for that you need to be creative.  

2. Engage people towards your campaign - With the #hashtag in formation, you need ways in which you can engage your wider audience through competition, chat days, picture updates etc - the list goes on in being creative. Along with this, its always good to have people that have larger followers as the influence of your campaign tweets will reach a bigger audience. A re-tweet to a tweet creates a bigger impression on twitter - a bigger audience to engage.

3. The Campaign message needs to be clear - An important point is to have your message, it's mission and final outcome clear to the engaging audience. This is what makes a successful campaign. If all these are not in place the audience is confused and the message does not go through properly. 

4. Keeping a track of your campaign progression - Many wonder what importance would this point get to the campaign? Actually it is a very crucial step in measuring how successful your campaign has been or helping in evaluating a destination. Use analytical software's such as tweet-tag, tweet reach etc to monitor and see your reach, engagement, impressions and influence.  

5. Finally enjoy your campaign & the use of your #hashtag - If there is No Enjoyment - there is No Fun. As the campaign grows, your audience will grow and so will your twitter followers grow. This will give a better feel to your campaign and engagement with your audience and certainly will be fun. The good thing is - #Hashtags increases the chances of your tweets been seen by a wider audience which means more chances of your tweets to be re-tweeted and even a more larger audience getting the feel of your campaign message - Now that is certainly enjoyment and fun.

So use #hashtag on your twitter tweets - be responsible and creative on it's launch and as the campaign is set - the channeling, the audience and people involved are crucial to its success.

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